11- Wieringen, 07-08-2000.
Report by Andreas Grijze.
I discovered this formation at august the 7th. I suspected something in the field, because I
saw some birds that landed in the field. Together with a friend, we entered the field and
discovered the formation. I know the area and found and reported some formations before.
The formation was in a field and wasn't vissable from the road. The first circle had a
diameter of approx. 10 metre. The strange thing was that in the center of this circle, the
grain lay was anti-clock wise, and at the outside, clock wise. The path is approx. 10 metres
long. It isn't a staight path, but it goes a little to the left. To me it looks if this
was an "old" formation.

For more and other information and photo's from Jan-Simon Hoogschagen,
click here.