06- Didam, Gelderland, 29-07-2001.
Report from Robert Boerman and
Jan Willem Bobbink.
During a nice evening ride on my motor cylce, I looked over a field of grain and I was very
surprised to see that there was a single circle in the field. This was the moment to end the
ride and go back home to get all the equipment for more research.
Once we entered the circle, it looks if nobody had entered the circle before, so we were
the first ones. This circle in barley is approx. 3 days old and has a ley centre of 9 ley lines
in the centre of the circle. Just outside, at the border of the formation, runs another
ley line. The diameter vary from 10.30 tot 10.70 meter. The situation of the barley was
anti-clockwise. Detail: The ears were all all laying in a north-south direction.