05- Elst, Utrecht, 26-07-2001.
The province of Utrecht is on the crop circle map of the Netherlands! Casper van Schuppen
was the person who discovered the first formation ever reported in Utrecht. Casper reported
the formation to the PTAH Foundation and we thank him for that.
Report from Robert Boerman and
Jan Willem Bobbink.
After we received the report from Casper, we drove to Elst at 27-07-2001 for some research.
The formation concist of 3 circles which were connected with paths. The formation looks
almost the same as the one which was discovered at Texel, Noord Holland at 18-07-1997. De
Texel formation was also a formation with 3 circles connected with paths.
The formation near Elst was discovered in a field which was owned by the preservation of
natural beauty and didn't had any tram lines. Casper tols ud that, while he was biking through
the forrest, he saw a path that goes into the barley and he was amazed to see that there were
3 circles connected with paths in the field. The lay in all circles was anti-clockwise.
Jan Willem dowsed some leylines in the formation. There were no futher details.

- 01- Diameter circle 1: 10.80 metres.
- 02- Diameter circle 2: 10.80 metres.
- 03- Diameter circle 3: 10.80 metres.
- 04- Length x width path 4: 12.90 x 1.00/1.20 metres.
- 05- Length x width path 5: 12.90 x 1.10/1.20 metres.
- 06- Length x width path 6: 12.90 x 1.00 metres.
Update 2: 11-08-2001 door
Jan Willem Bobbink.
Elst: In every single circle of the Elst formation was a leycentre which exists out
of 12 lines.

There was a strange division of positive and negative energy in the circles and the field:

In the centre of the circles, there was a circle with a diameter of 2.40 metres which had
a positive energy. The rest of the circles was negative, ut the connecting path were positive.
The rest of the field was positive.
