14- Hoeven (2), Noord-Brabant, 21-08-2001.
Measurements and photographs were taken and a visible difference in leaf color inside the downed-crop areas was observed to he due to the fact that some of the plants were laid away from us, showing the undersides of the leaves, and in other areas the plants were laid toward us showing us only the tops of the leaves, thus reflecting the light differently. Along this flow-line near the center of the formation plants growing immediately next to each other were cleanly bent over at their bases in opposite directions, with no visible damage to either the plants or the beans. There was a slight swirling of the plants in the 'epicenter' area which, in this case, occurred in the south eastern quadrant, considerably away from the actual geometric center of the ellipse.

Because of the hoof-and-mouth disease which has been prevalent in Holland (as well as in other European countries) during the summer of 2001, and the subsequent likelihood that US customs would not allow importation of either plants or soils from Europe into the U.S., no attempt was made to take soil or plant samples. I did, however, harvest a few handfuls of beans and enjoyed them at dinner a few nights later. So far, I've noted no sequelae.

That night, following our routine examination of the new formation, Robbert and a friend and I went back over the fence and into the field to take night flash photos. Because the ellipse was not yet 24hrs old we anticipated getting some strange light orbs and/or objects on film, and we were not disappointed. Every roll of film (4 or 5) produced numerous photos of light orbs, usually fairly close to one of the three of us. Some of the light objects were quite large (4-5 times larger than a soccer ball) nearly transparent orbs; some were much smaller (about grapefruit-sized) and denser, and appeared to be relatively high over our heads. In many of the more interesting photos these much denser, brighter objects were down close to the crop surface or just over our heads.
Interestingly, a number of photos taken of the formation by leaning over the fence (10-15ft. away from the downed-crop) very shortly after it had formed showed no photographic anomalies at all. I shot only about a half roll of film immediately after the ellipse had occurred, mostly because it was so dark and I wasn't sure that the flash was reaching the new circle; perhaps if I had shot more film I might have gotten one. Now, however, I am wondering if it may be the presence of people inside the formation, the presence of some part of the human energy field, perhaps in interaction with residual energies from the formation event, which has something to do with producing these light anomalies ... in future studies we will have to try photographing new circles from outside them, before any people have been inside the flattened areas.
In preparation for one new BLT study, which will evaluate the effects of various energies on normal (non-crop-circle) plants and soils, I have had many discussions with microwave and laser experts who are convinced that the crop circles and at least some of the associated light phenomena are simply either 'mistakes' by the military and/or industrial research community and/or perhaps pranks by one or another of these groups on the citizenry. If they are 'mistakes' it would seem - particularly in light of the recent ghastly events in New York, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania - that we are all in more trouble than was immediately apparent. And the idea that they might be pranks strikes me as perhaps even more frightening, and for the same reason: idiots at the helm are hardly a comforting image. What I suspect, instead, is that these highly trained and proficient microwave/laser engineers just aren't really 'tracking' the available facts yet like the majority, it seems, of the rest of the population.
On the other hand, in recent conversation with one of the new scientists participating in ongoing BLT Inc. studies, a man highly regarded by his academic colleagues, the idea that we are instead perhaps dealing with a 'new kind of energy,' something not seen before, has been discussed. I suspect this idea is much more reflective of reality than is the notion of an inept or adolescent military/industrial research group gone amuck.
Was the occurrence of this crop circle related to my frustration over the elusiveness of the phenomenon and my wanting a more obvious indication of the agency involved? It did occur within 10-15 minutes of my having stated my disgust and it did occur in the closest growing plants (stringbeans, the first time a circle has been reported in this crop) to my physical self - the whole incident clearly visible from my room, in fact the very bed, I was sleeping in. lt was also placed dead-center between the north and south boundary lines of the v/d Broeke property and about as close to their perimeter fence as possible.
Robbert and I, from our slightly different vantage points, were each quite convinced of both the intense power and the precision of the light 'tubes'- both of us perceiving the incident as 'deliberate, on purpose.' Are our perceptions - not just of this current event, but also of multiple crop circle experiences over many years - simply anthropocentric? What are the chances that this recent amazing display was just coincidental? And if it was, why have similar events - the crop circles and all the stunning light phenomena associated with them - been occurring for the last 25-30 years, with increasing frequency and complexity, all over the world? And why repeatedly in fairly precise locations? Why don't they occur everywhere? And what are the light objects? Are they in fact becoming more complex too, perhaps mirroring the evolution in design of the flattened plants?
Are Robbert and I (and, apparently, many other people) victims of our imaginations? Or is it possible that human faculties are capable, at least in some situations, of recognizing external consciousness and/or purpose in energy-forms or life-forms currently unknown to us and un-named? Robbert and I perceived these light tubes as 'on purpose.' Was there a consciousness in those light columns? Or, was there a consciousness directing them? Was it our sub- or unconscious? If not ours, was it Jung's collective unconscious? Was it a consciousness inherent in Nature? Or was it from another dimension, galaxy or, perhaps, directly from the Almighty? Robbert and I don't know. What we suspect is that the answers to these questions - in fact the actual pursuit of these answers - will greatly affect human awareness. What we hope is that 21st Century humanity will recognize this possibility soon and join in the effort to uncover new aspects of reality we may currently only faintly imagine.
© Nancy Talbott 2001.