08- Vledderhuizen, Groningen, 31-07-2001.
This beautiful formation was discovered by Hans Hesselink and reported to Hans Huiting,
a journalist of the Groninger Dagblad (Dutch newspaper) who reported the formation to the
PTAH Foundation. Hesselink was flying with his ultra light when he did the discovery of his
life - 'a real crop circle!' Hesselink is doing crop circle research for some years no but he
never saw a real formation before. After landing his airplane, Hans went to the field and saw
that there were no foot prints or whatever in the soft ground. 'I am sure I was the first
person who entered the field'.
Report from Robert Boerman and
Jan Willem Bobbink.
I recieved this report during an interview with TV Gelderland. They want an item about Didam
formation. We deceided to do some paperwork today, but after Huitings phonecall, we took the
car and went to Vledderhuizen.
After we entered the formation, Huiting told us that his legs felt tired. When he said
that, we noticed that we all felt the same. A strange twinkle feeling in our legs.
After we took all the measurements, Jan Willem discovered with tis dowser-rod that there was
a ley centre in the centre of the formation which exists of 8 lines. He also measured some
lines which are connected to the outside of the smaller formations.