Report from Bert Janssen and Robert Boerman
On 07-06-2002 the PTAH Foundation received a phone call from a farmer who told us that he has seen a 200 meter trail of cut-off corn plants. He also told us that there were no foot pints or whatever. The first thing I thought about was the reports of Rossem 1998, because there happened a simular event. One trail of 86 meters and the other of 300 meters. Both with cut-off corn plants.
Once arrived at the field we saw that the farmer was right: there were absolutly no foot prints or whatever, exept some foot prints of the famer himself, because he had walked at some distance from the trail because he wouldn't damage the trail for our research.
A strange detail was that it looks if the trail stayed wetter than the rest of the field. It has rained the previous night, but the sun was shining now and the field was starting to dry up, but the trail was still wet.
Most parts of the cut-off plants were next to the plants, but in some cases we couldn't find the cut-off parts. There were also some cut-off parts which were standing in the soil next to the cut-off plant. It looks if someone has put them into the ground. Another strange fact was that some of the cut-off parts were almost dried-up. It looks if these parts were cut-off some days before, because the farmer told us that during the wheather that week, these plants will dry out in approx. 3 or 4 days. Therefore we had the idea that the trail was formed in 2 times.
The PTAH Foundation is keeping an eye to this field to see if there are going to happen someting. In that case it all will be reported on this web site.

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The wet trail.