Rapport van Robert Boerman
At 30-07-2002, freelance journalist Hans Huiting called us to report a new formation near Stadskanaal. I mailed him last week and said goodbye with the words: 'see you next week...', not knowing that there would be a formation...
Once we entered the field, we saw 6 circles which vary from 2 to 22 metres in diameter. First we thought there was some wind damage in the cield close to the circles, but after we walked to the supposed wind damage, we saw that the formation was bigger than we thought. There was a long path, connected with a circle and a ring and at the end of that path we found a heart with a arrow through the heart.... First we thought that this formation was a hoax because of the shape, but after a better look we found hundreds of blown nodes and a lot of elongated nodes... (see images next page).We also found a lot of cut-off stalks in this formation and it looks if we find these cut-off stalks in almost every Dutch formation.
After we spoke to the farmer he could tell us that this formation was almost 6 weeks old. When i asked him whay he did not call us before, he told us that he did not want the same story as last year on his field. This because last year he had a lot of media attention and a lot of visitors and he didn't want that agian this year. Therefore he did not reported this formation, but he promished to call us the next time when he finds a crop circle on his land.

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