Report from Robert Boerman
This circle in wheat was discovered by Anne Stins and Niek Zwikker during a walk between Eijsden and Wittem. They reported the circle to the Frontier Sciences Foundation, which reported it to the PTAH FOundation.
Unfortunately we couldn't visit this circle earlier than sunday 11-08-2002. Once we entered the circle, we were surprised by the measurements of this circle with a diameter of 50 meters and an inner circle with a diameter of 8.20 meters. The ring was 17 meters width. We did not found any anomalies like blown nodes or ley lines.
But there is something strange about this circle... A while ago, a person contacted me with the request i the PTAH FOundation could help him to make a circle in shape of a CD. This was for comercial purposes. We have thought some minutes about this request, because we could use the money for the PTAH Foundation, but deceided NOT to help this person with his request.
He wanted to make a circle in shape of a CD for a CD factory. Once we enterd the circle, I did not thought about the request, but after I saw Frank Laumen's beautiful aerial images, I realized that this circle could be the one for the CD factory... Unfortunately I lost the phone number so I could not ask the guy about this circle.

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