Report from Romaine Kunst
Somebody sat in the train and saw a cropcircle in the field next to the
railway near the village of Kapelle in the province of Zeeland. The day the
viewer saw the cropcircle the farmer was harvesting the wheat. The part of
the field with the cropcircle he didn't harvest, until today. On July 14th
the farmer had not seen a cropcircle yet, but on the 23rd of July he found
the formation.
The direction of the rotation of the crop was anticlockwise in the little
circles and clockwise in the rings.
The cropcircle did not have the perfect round shape, but it seems to be laid
down playfully.
The farmer did visit the cropcircle when he discovered it, this could
explain the broken stems in the cropcircle. All the other stems were bent on
± 3 centimeters from the ground. Almost all stems were down, except a single
stem was straight up. It seemed that all stems had grown after they were
bent down.
The ground below the formation was a layer of clay and below this a layer of
peat. When the circle was harvested it appeared that there was only little
lost of the crop. Except for some stems, all stems were harvested. After the
harvest of the cropcircle, I was able to examine the soil for traces of
silicium, this wasn't found anywhere in the formation.
While I was visiting the cropcircle, I saw many orbs. These were seen while
I was in a circle, they flew above the field and next to the stems in one of
the little circles.
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Click on images to enlarge