At 23-6-2004 Rob Jansen called the PTAH Foundation to report 'something' in a field af grain near Berg en Dal. he had now idea what it was and thought some persone had mowed something in the grain, but later on we discovered a beautifull crop circle in wheat. This circle was found at approx. 800 meters of the Groesbeek formation of 2002. The Groesbeek formation was found at the German side of the border.
At june 24, some members of the PTAH FOundation went to Berg en Dal for some research. The formation was good visible from the road and neighbours could tell us that the circle was formed in the night of june 20/21.
After we took a lot of pictures, we tried to draw the formation. Normaly I have no problem to draw a formation but this time it was very difficult. The formation was not geometric and the 'problem' was that it was formed at a hill. The central circle of the formation was an oval and the standing parts inside the formation had different sizes. We measured the formation very accurate, but still it was not easy to make a good drawing.