At 25-07-2004, the PTAH Foundation received an email with a report of a crop circle near Vlijmen. From a certain 'Will Smith'. The phone number which was mentioned, was wrong. The reporter from this crop circle did not discovered the circle by himself but heard it by phone. At 'date discovered' at the DCCA 'report a crop circle form', he wrote that it couldn't be a long time ago when the circle was formed because 'they' drove along the field almost every day. But that wasn't all he could tell us. He also wrote that 'there are 5 or more circles with differect sizes, connected with a small path. The largest circle must have a diameter of 20 metre and the total lenght of the formation must be some 90 metres!'.
The same night, Rob and Nettie Trouw went to Vlijmen for the first part of the research. The next day I went to Vlijmen myself and within 10 minutes it was clear to me: this is a hoax. It was good to see where the hoaxers entered the field and there were also a lot of foot prints under the laying wheat. In almost every part of the formation - in the circles and rings - we found some underlayling path were the hoaxers walked through the standing crop to the center of the circle/ring. In the rest of the field we found a lot of foot prints on places were normaly no foot prints belong. There were also some holes in the center of the circles and rings. Besides these stupid 'beginners errors', the makers did their best to create a crop circle. We have seen worse.
Conclusion: or the reporter of this formation is one of the hoaxers, or the real hoaxers gave the reporter some information to report the formation. This because the reporter knew that the total lenght of the formation was apporx. 90 metres, measurements point out that the lenght of the formation is 88.10 metres. The reporter also mentioned that the largest circle has a diameter of approx. 20 meter. He was almost right: the exact diameter was 21.40 metres. To our oppinion it is hard to tell from the road how long the formation is and what the diameter of the largest circle is. So the reporter of this formation knew the length of the formation, the diameter of the largest circle and the new type of wheat. Yeah, right...
Guys, in name of the farmer: thanks for the damage...