01- Berg en Dal, Gelderland, 06-07-2006
Report from Robert Boerman
At july 4th, Aart Heus reported the first Dutch crop circle of 2006. This formation was found near Berg en Dal and was researched by members of the PTAH Foundation at july 6th. Conclusion: a very bad hoax. It was good to see the hoaxers started with the half ring, then they created the large ring around the circle and later on they went to the center of the circle, leaving a lot of footsteps and flaterend grain under the lay... After finishing this 'formation', the hoaxers decided to burn some stalks and seedheads (see last photo). We did not measured any ley line or high Bovis value and we didn't find any anomalies.
Realising that this formation is a hoax, the farmer don't want visitors on his land but he told us that when it was the real phenomenon what created this circle, he would be open the field for public. In name of the farmer: 'Thanks guys. When do you want to pay for the damage...?'
