02- Hoeven, Noord Brabant, 08-07-2006

At 07-07-2006, the PTAH Foundation received an anonymous report of a crop circle near Hoeven. The reporter mailed us where the circle was discovered and that this crop circle contains a large circle with a diameter of approx. 9 meter and a smaller circle with a diameter of approx, 1.5 meter. DCCA/PTAH co-worker Peter Vanlearhoven was in Hoeven today for some research.:

Robert Boerman

Report from Peter Vanlearhoven

As one can se at the drawing below, there are 7 energetic rings in the large crop circle. The center ring runs clockwise, the next anti clockwise, etc. The red lines are leylines and line B is running to the church of Hoeven (width approx. 40 cm). The other line runs between both circles. De large circle has a diameter of 9 meter and the smaller circle 1.35 meter. The Bovis value was approx. 3 million. Poa was 107% which means that this circle has a healing energy. Bovis value field: 4700 and POA 38%. The circle was formed in at july 5th between 23.00 and 00.00.

  • Diameter circle 1: 9 metre
  • Diameter circle2: 1.35 metre
  • A: leyline
  • B: leyline runs to the church of Hoeven
  • Researcher: Peter Vanlaerhoven
  • Date research: 08-07-2006