The internal geometry of crop circles.
What is it that makes crop circles such a fascinating phenomenon? No doubt the mysterious
and inexplicable aspect plays a mayor role here, but is that all? How can it be explained
that people get so fascinated merely by looking at them? Even when they don't know a single
thing about the crop formations, the symbols seem to stir up interest nevertheless.
The question why this is has kept me occupied for many years now. There's something about
the pictogrammes that has some kind of hypnotising effect on people. But why?
From this basic pattern many formations can be constructed. Let's now try to reconstruct a
formation, a relatively simple one. Let's try the Harlequin formation of 1997.
This diagram shows an equilateral triangle, constructed in the three circles necessary to
make the basic pattern and is the same as we can see in the Harlequin formation. Please
notice the circle constructed neatly in the triangle. It's the same circle as those three
constructed on the corners. Coincidence?
The inner circle in the formation fits exactly in the equilateral triangle of the basic pattern.
I must admit that this is a relatively simple and obvious formation. The next formation however shows us differently. Starting off with the same basic pattern we can reconstruct the following through mere 15 steps: It seems a variety of lines and circles, but in reality it is the internal geometry of the following pictogram: In spite of the complex character of this formation, it can be constructed without trampling the standing crop. The following diagram shows the position of the necessary construction points. As you can see they all lie in the flattened crop.
Some construction points lie exactly on the edge of the standing crop. It all fits just
perfectly. If, for instance, the central circle had been just a little bit smaller, the
formation could not have been made without damaging the standing crop. 'Luckily', the
central circle has the perfect shape. Coincidence?