On August the 5th 1997, I came by accident into contact with a mysterious crop circle phenomenon. I didn't know much about the phenomenon then, but that changed during a short flight above my home when I discovered the formation of Brummen in 1997. That moment changed my live completely. Nothing is the same from that moment and when I look back it has to be the way it happened.

The years since the discovery I have been busy to see what was written about crop circles and other related stuff. After a lot of puzzling it looks if a lot of pieces that I already had, fell on their place, which resulted in a book. But as usual - the more you know, the more questions you seek answers for.

It was about a year after the discovery of the Brummen formation when I talked to Arie van Bodegom, member of the archaeological association 'De Marke' of Brummen. We talked about the crop circle I found and about the prehistoric burial mounds that were in the same place where the crop circle had appeared. In 1920 the municipality decided to use the sand of the burial mounds for a new road. Van Bodegom could tell me that there were several ley lines running through the field and that was something that piqued my interest because a lot of crop circles are found on ley lines.

It was on Aug 6 2000 that I found another formation in Brummen on exactly the same spot as in 1997. This was the moment to figure out where the ley lines and the burial mounds were, but therefore I needed an expert with a dowsing-rod. So I called Arie van Bodegom and he immediately offered his help to see if we could find the ley lines and burial mounds. All in all it took another year before we actually went out to do some research. The reason why we started our research now was that the municipality had decided to build a new road. This new road runs through the 'crop circle' field. This, in our eyes was a completely unnecessary and prestigious plan, but it offered us the possibility to enter the land and walk all over the field.

Van Bodegom pointed us at the strange part of the crop circle of 2000. He told us that it looks the same as a 'pigeon-tail', and strangely enough, on old maps, that same piece of land was known as the 'pigeon-tail'. Van Bodegom interprets the crop circle of 2000 as the 'dead of the pigeon-tail'... And indeed, the new road was the death of this old piece of land.

We made an arrangement to do some research on Saturday the 14th of July. The days before, I made some photo's for our archive, because if the new road was finished, this piece of land would never be the same again. Once home, I discovered something strange in one of the photo's. The only conclusion I could make that it was an UFO or a Ball of Light. I was absolutely sure that there was nothing in the sky when I took the photo! Two days later, during another photo session, there was another strange unidentified object on one of the photo's. Again a UFO?

Copyright © Robert Boerman 2001


Copyright © Robert Boerman 2001


The weather on that Saturday afternoon wasn't as good as we hoped it would be, but we decided to go and see if we could find something out. Crop circle researcher and douser Jan Willem Bobbink joined us, also with his dowsing-rod. Jan Willem had done some dowsing some days before and he had discovered that there was a very powerful ley centre near the place were the two formations had appeared in the past. After Bobbink drew the ley lines out on a large map, we could see that a ley line ran through almost every centre and outside of each circle of the 1997 formation.

Copyright © Robert Boerman 2001

Photo: © R Boerman - Drawings: © JW Bobbink

This discovery confirmed our idea that this formation wasn't a hoax - something we already knew, because with the discovery of the formation we discovered also a lot of 'sticky white stuff' that was send to the BLT-team in the USA. And as the BLT report said: 'It is felt that the carbon, oxygen and silicon peaks indicate that this substance is a silicon, a hydro-carbon compound'. Earlier this year Nancy Talbott of the BLT -team told me that they started a new investigation to this white substance. There were new members added to the team and some new equipment acquired for more and better research.

After van Bodegom and Bobbink did some measurements with their dowsing-rods, we discovered 8 burial mounds of approx. 5000 years old. Further on into the field, both gentlemen discovered 3 ancient 'houses' with measurements ranging from 7.00 x 11.00 to 4.00 x 8.00 metres. In between the 'houses' and the burial mounds there was also a ley centre with 13 lines. Van Bodegom could tell us that it was quite normal that our ancestors build their houses and burial mounds this way - houses, ley centre and burial mounds. The houses are also built on a ley line.

During the measurements I took a lot of photo's of almost everything we saw and did. A good friend of mine who was curious about what we did, didn't want me to take a photo of him. But, just for fun, I took a photo of him, but he was just half on the photo, because he jumped away. Just at that moment I looked with one eye at the display of my digital camera and I couldn't believe what I saw! In a corner of the photo I could see a little of my friend, but there were a lot of mysterious transparent white balls. We all were surprised and from that moment on I took a lot of photo's. Once home I connected the camera to the computer to see what was on the photos. In almost every photo we could see some balls of light which vary in number from three to hundreds of mysterious balls of all different sizes and colours.

Copyright © Robert Boerman 2001

Photo was captured on a digital camera with flash light.

The colours of the many balls of light vary from yellow, orange, red, blue and white. It is difficult to see if the larger balls are close to the camera and if the smaller ones are further away. At the photo's I took in another direction - not in the direction of the burial mounds - were no balls of light. According to van Bodegom, that direction was very negative. In the past there were a lot of accidents at that crossing. It is possible that the negative energy was somehow responsible for all these accidents.

It was Dr Eltjo Haselhoff who proved last year in a scientific way that in some cases a ball of light could create a crop circle. This scientific prove is accepted as correct. The big question is, what (or who?) are these mysterious balls of light? We know that there is a link between crop circles, ley lines and -centres, and balls of light, UFO's and burial mounds and ancient holy places, because in the past there were found a lot of crop circles on ley lines.

Maybe the UFO's and the balls of light on the photos are watching this place very carefully to see what is going to happen to this piece of land. The numerous activities turned a piece of land upside down. The land that our ancestors respected. Respect for the earth - something that doesn't seem to count anymore today.

© Robert Boerman 2001