Vital Signs - CROP CIRCLES, the complex and beautiful shapes which appear each year swirled into fields around the world, continue-
to fascinate the public and media alike. There have been many attempts to explain them away as the work of human artists
through the propaganda of UNPROVEN CLAIMS and ambitious but flawed man-made demonstrations. Yet the, shocking truth is the
source of the majority of the THOUSANDS of patterns which have occurred remains an enigma. The EVIDENCE strongly suggests
a far more mysterious explanation of global significance.
Are the circles meaningless abstractions, messages of greeting or warnings of doom? Some believe EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS are
attempting to communicate or unseen SPIRITUAL FORCES are making themselves known. Others see them as a NATURAL FUNCTION
of our planet or an outpouring of PSYCHIC POWERS. All agree that something astonishing is going on.
Here, at last, in one book, is a comprehensive and frank overview of the FACTS behind the phenomenon, its rich and
fascinating history, the physical and statistical evidence, the PARANORMAL EXPERIENCES surrounding it and the
extraordinary effect these portentous glyphs have had, on the lives of observers and researchers.
A full and illuminating discussion of possible theories to explain the circles and the dilemmas and implications
of each opens up a new and hard-hitting view of a MYSTERY which has been subjected to suspicious victimisation and
an unjust wave of debunking. For many, such attention, together with continual reports of attendant aerial phenomena
and other strange effects, ultimately reinforces the view that something HUGELY IMPORTANT is going on in the fields -
the manifestation of VITAL SIGNS for what may be a crucial moment in history.
VITAL SIGNS is the ultimate guide to crop circles for newcomers and an essential summary for those already entranced,
illustrated with almost 200 stunning FULL COLOUR and black and white images.
Euro 23,90
One can order this book at the Frontier Sciences Foundation. For more information, please contact the
FSF by phone, fax or e-mail at:
Tel: 0031-228-324.076 - Fax: 0031-228-312.081 - E-mail: