Pat Delgado & Colin Andrews

In the summer of 1981 Pat Delgado brought to the attention of the British press the existence of some mysteri-ous circular impressions in the fields at Cheesefoot Head, Hampshire. Since then, the appearance of similar circles in southern England and elsewhere in the world-many of them striking in their symmetry and beauty-have transformed initial curiosity into a full-blown investiga-tion. One look at the photographs will suggest why the circles raised so many questions-such as, how on earth did they get there?

The authors, Pat Delgado and Colin Andrews, began to compile case studies, interviewing farmers and other witnesses and photographing the formations from hillsides, from the air, and from close-up. With every viewing and visit, every measurement and close observation, more curious details seemed to emerge-details of site groupings and of the swirled and flattened circle floor formations, and the fact that scarcely any of the plants involved were damaged. Reports of further anomalous coincidences possibly connected with the circles and related observations from other countries are also included.

While theories have naturally abounded since the circles came to light-theories that the authors have considered and tested-the book does not set out to prove anything beyond the existence of a persistent and compelling enigma in our midst.

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