Crop Circle Wisdom - Denni Clark

Simple Teachings from the Circlemakers

In Crop Circle Wisdom: Simple Teachings from the CircleMakers, Denni Clarke presents us with the enigmatic, visually and emotionally stirring, panorama of beauty, strength, and enlightenment found to emanate from the Crop Circles through her breath-taking photographs and gifted insight as to the wisdom contained within. This inspirational little hardback, full photography book offers interesting and practical insight into the power inherent within the Crop Circles.

The Crop Circles possess the ability to change lives, and are truly transformational. The CircleMakers offer us a multitude of opportunities for personal growth, consciousness exploration, and help with our Spiritual evolution during our physical experiences here on Earth, as we open to them and accept their invitation to access Higher truth and knowledge on a higher level of consciousness.

111 pages. Hardcover.

€ 24,95

One can order this book at the Frontier Sciences Foundation. For more information, please contact the FSF by phone, fax or e-mail at: Tel: 0031-228-324.076 - Fax: 0031-228-312.081 - E-mail: