CROP CIRCLES - Scientific Research and Urban Legends -
Eltjo H. Haselhoff, Ph. D.

Thought they are not just a recnt phenomenon, during the past few decades new crop circlew have been reported worldwide at the rate of about one per day, creating considerable controversy over their origin or cause. Theoritical and experimental physicist Eltjo Haselhoff presents a comprehensive overview of these beautiful and mysterious formations. His research includes a scientific investigation of germination anomalies, the dead flies enigma, peculiar deposits, geometrical ratios, and balls oflight. In addition, he reports one of the first-person acounts of people who have witnessed their appearance and even ventures indto the study of the psychic perspective. Haselhoff comes to some fascinating conclusions in the last chapter, 'Circular Arguments'. After reading his book, you definitely agree with Conclusion Six: "Something very strange is going on'.

About The Deepening Complexity of Crop Circles:

'Eltjo Haselhoff is a remarkable rarity in the controversial arena of paranormal research - he has the qualifications and ability to bend hard science and metaphysics without compromising either. In so doing, re remains eminently credible to a world that craves statistics and repeatable tests, while being unafraid of deeper speculations. Anyone who has ever dismissed the entire crop circle phenomenon as a man-made joke needs to read this excelent book. They may be shocked by the utterly convincing case he makes for its authenticity as a genuinely unexplained mystery.'

- Andy Thomas, author of Vital Signs: A Complete Guide to the Crop Circle Mystery and Why it is NOT a Hoax

Euro: 25,90

One can order this book at the Frontier Sciences Foundation. For more information, please contact the FSF by phone, fax or e-mail at: Tel: 0031-228-324.076 - Fax: 0031-228-312.081 - E-mail: