The Cosmic Connection - Michael Hesemann
Well-known German UFO publisher Michael Heseman's famous German book now in English. With plenty of exciting photographs,
Heseman blends his study of crop circles with his study of of UFO phenomena and concludes that UFOs and crop circles are
intricately linked. He examines crop circles in Siberia, the Argentine, Saskatchewan, Queensland and Britain. From ancient
mounds and megaliths to the monuments on Mars to the secret code of the crop circles, connections to ancient science, the
world grid, and more. Hesemann is the producer of the UFO Footage Archive series that we sell on video, and his book is
packed with rare photos.
One can order this book at the Frontier Sciences Foundation. For more information, please contact the FSF by phone, fax or e-mail at: Tel: 0031-228-324.076 - Fax: 0031-228-312.081 - E-mail: