Crop circles are on of the great mysteries of our time. There has never been agreement on
the cause or purpose of these enigmatic patterns and perhaps never will be. Part of the problem
is the general impression that the circles are something new. Even research bodies and
scientific investigators talk of the 'first' circles being found in the late 1970s. However this
false impression if about to be overturned by 'The secret history of crop circles'.
With the help of all of the world's major research bodies, terry Wilson has investigated and
written up over 300 older cases which prove that the circles have been arround the centuries -
perhaps even millennia. This book, the first of its kind, tells the hitherto unknown tale of
the circles, documenting astonishing and important events from days gone by.
With a foreword by circles researcher Andy Thomas, this volume will become an indispensable part
of any crop circle, UFO or natural mystery enthusiast's library. It may also, in time, prove
to be decisive in the debate over the authenticity of the patterns which continue to appear
end which remain of the upmost mystery.
A most interestin compilation of historical events. I'm sure its contents will show that
the crop circle phenomenon is one which certainly has genuine characteristics - Ray Cox.
This important book which has filled a major hole on the research, clearly demonstrating
an enduring and genuine phenemenon which has been developing for many years. It's style is
succinct and level-headed - Andy Thomas.
Euro 15,90
One can order this book at the Frontier Sciences Foundation. For more information, please contact the
FSF by phone, fax or e-mail at:
Tel: 0031-228-324.076 - Fax: 0031-228-312.081 - E-mail: